Average rate
Transparency Evaluation based on Index
(Dyntra Political Parties)
Institutional Transparency 71.05%
Information on the party leadership, elected officials, positions of trust and party personnel. 81.25%
(13 out of 16 indicators)
Information on the party's organization. 63.64%
(7 out of 11 indicators)
Information about the party's assets. 0%
(0 out of 3 indicators)
Published | ID | Index | Report broken link |
dpp131 | The ratio of the party's real estate and properties is published. | ||
dpp132 | The relationship between real estate and the high economic value of the party is published. | ||
dpp133 | Data on the party's car fleet is published: List of vehicles per year of registration, use and approximate value. |
Campaigns and internal democracy 87.5%
(7 out of 8 indicators)
Published | ID | Index | Report broken link |
dpp141 | There is a specific web page for the campaign. | ||
dpp142 | This webpage has a module of transparency. | ||
dpp143 | The detailed campaign budgets are published | ||
dpp144 | The curriculum vitae of the candidates on the electoral lists are published. | ||
dpp145 | There is in place processes of open primaries to select candidates and electoral lists. | ||
dpp146 | Declaration of absence on the electoral roll of indicted and imputed for corruption is published. | ||
dpp148 | Se publican las propuestas o iniciativas realizadas durante la legislatura en relación con los programas | ||
dpp149 | Se publica la cuantificación económica de las medidas y políticas propuestas |
Access to Information and Active Advertising 73.91%
Public Communication. 73.33%
(11 out of 15 indicators)
M-Government (Mobile Government) 100%
(1 out of 1 indicators)
Published | ID | Index | Report broken link |
dpp221 | The party has mobile applications that allow access to the information the organization. |
Degree of commitment to citizenship 71.43%
(5 out of 7 indicators)
Published | ID | Index | Report broken link |
dpp231 | There are forums for discussion and participation in the Institutional Web. | ||
dpp232 | Suggestions and public participation in the preparation of electoral programs is possible. | ||
dpp233 | There is an online citizen service mailbox. | ||
dpp234 | There is any online tool or form that allows the request of information of the citizens. | ||
dpp235 | There is an online tool or form that allows citizens to make proposals or requests to the governing bodies of the party. | ||
dpp236 | There exist measures or policies of a social nature or social responsibility of the Party and they are published. | ||
dpp237 | Se publica una declaración ideológica del partido |
Economic and Financial Transparency 66.67%
Donations, contributions and grants. 100%
(8 out of 8 indicators)
Transparency debt. Is published: 75%
(3 out of 4 indicators)
Published | ID | Index | Report broken link |
dpp321 | The amount of the financial debt of the party, the basic terms and installments. | ||
dpp322 | Annual report with the acquired loans and those in force, their current state and the issuing entities. | ||
dpp323 | List of debts to suppliers. | ||
dpp324 | Indicator: Evolution of debt in the last 5 years. |
Economic and budgetary information. Is published: 41.67%
(5 out of 12 indicators)
Published | ID | Index | Report broken link |
dpp331 | The party's budgets with description of the main budget items over the last 2 years. | ||
dpp332 | Budgets and detailed accounts broken down by calls and elections in the last 2 years. | ||
dpp333 | Organic and geographical breakdown of the costs and revenues of the party. | ||
dpp334 | Dates on which the accounts have been dispatched to the court of auditors. | ||
dpp335 | There exists a description of the method of controlling and/or internal audit of the party described. | ||
dpp336 | The Annual Accounts / General Party account (Balance Sheet, financial and assets results account and Report) of the last 2 years. | ||
dpp337 | The fiscal reports by the Court of Auditors in the last two years. | ||
dpp338 | Audit reports of party accounts made by external and independent organizations are published. | ||
dpp3310 | Detailed broken down Income and Expense Accounts of entities related to the party are published. | ||
dpp3311 | The names of the donors who contribute a greater amount of 5,000 euros is published. | ||
dpp3312 | There exists an Economic-Financial Transparency viewer where the budget data and its execution status are displayed in a graphical, clear and accessible way, and is understandable by the citizens. | ||
dpp3313 | Información detallada y requisitos sobre el nombramiento de las personas responsables de la gestión económica/financiera del partido |
Transparency in Recruitment Services 50%
Transparency in recruitment services. 50%
(2 out of 4 indicators)
Published | ID | Index | Report broken link |
dpp411 | The list and/or the amount of operations with suppliers, purchasers and major contractors of the party. | ||
dpp412 | All formulised Contracts, indicating the subject, the bidded and awarded amount, the used procedure, the instruments through which is has been publicized, the number of tenderers in the procedure and the identity of the winners. | ||
dpp413 | Se publican las instrucciones internas de contratación | ||
dpp414 | Se publica la información económica, presupuestaria y estadística relativa a los Contratos y Convenios |